Litovelské Pomoraví Bird Area

Special Protection Area Litovelské Pomoraví Bird Area

Size: 9318.6627 ha
Site code: CZ0711018
Altitude: 212 - 344 meters above sea level
Region: Olomouc Region
Coordinates: 49.698056, 17.104722
Longitude: E 17°6'17''
Latitude: N 49°41'53''

All this bird area is located inside the protected landscape area Litovelské Pomoraví (Chráněná krajinná oblast, CHKO). Centre of the region is the Morava river in practically authentic state with many kinds of different branches and meanders, which is surrounded by floodplain forests. In all the area range endangered species of animals and plants, which are protected in 25 specially protected small areas. Flood-plain part of Litovelské Pomoraví is a part of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands.

Till this time was observed over 200 bird species, over 100 nesting, over 200 migrating and 84 staying over the winter. Three species are specially protected here – the common kingfisher (Alcedo atthis), which is nesting mostly in the banks of Morava river and gravel-sand lakes too. There are migrating tens and in the autumn even hundreds of kingfishers and regularly it is staying over the winter also. Other two species are the middle spotted woodpecker (Dendrocoptes medius) and the collared flycatcher (Ficedula albicollis), which occur mainly in the older floodplain forests. Along with it there live the black stork (Ciconia nigra), the grey-headed woodpecker (Picus canus), the black woodpecker (Dryocopus martius) and the Syrian woodpecker (Dendrocopos syriacus).

In the nature reserve Chomoutov Lake (přírodní rezervace Chomoutovské jezero, PR Chomoutovské jezero) is one of the three regular nesting places of the Mediterranean gull (Ichthyaetus melanocephalus, Larus melanocephalus) in the Czech Republic. There is nesting also the black-headed gull (Chroicocephalus ridibundus, Larus ridibundus) in thousands. Amongst other common species belong the great cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo), the mallard or wild duck (Anas platyrhynchos), the grey heron (Ardea cinerea), the great crested grebe (Podiceps cristatus), the garganey (Anas querquedula) and the mute swan (Cygnus olor). Another ones are the little bittern (Ixobrychus minutus), the water rail (Rallus aquaticus), the western marsh harrier (Circus aeruginosus) and the spotted crake (Porzana porzana).

In the spring and autumn the area is an important stop for migrating birds such as seagulls, ducks and waders, for example the black tern (Chlidonias niger or Chlidonias nigra), the ruff (Philomachus pugnax) and the wood sandpiper (Tringa glareola). Other nesting and migrating birds are the common sandpiper (Actitis hypoleucos), the little ringed plover (Charadrius dubius) and the sand martin (Riparia riparia). From birds of prey lets mention the European honey buzzard (Pernis apivorus), the western marsh harrier (Circus aeruginosus), rarely the Montagu's harrier (Circus pygargus) or the red kite (Milvus milvus).

Ptačí oblast Litovelské Pomoraví (more information in Czech language)


Demarcation of area (map works only in some browsers)


Sponsors: Svatební oznámení and Snubní prsteny